Article Submission

Writing Guidelines
Originality and Plagiarism: Include a reference section for any and all general references. Include all relevant source information following APA or HARVARD style citation.
Acknowledgment of Sources: Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given.
The Article
-The article text file should start with a title that shows the author’s name and its affiliation. Format- Name, Department/program, University
-To authenticate authors’ information, please provide social media links ( especially LinkedIn) if not then any other social media link will be applicable
-The article must be original and shouldn’t be published on another platform.
-To mention any list use bullet points rather than table format.
-Any images you use should be credited. If you or one of your authors created the illustrations, please include a mention in your acknowledgments.
-Times New Roman font for English.
-Font size should be 12.
-There are no special requirements for the major body of the text. It’s up to you to arrange it in the way that best suits your research.
-It is recommended to use infographics as much as possible.
-In the case of multiple authors, there can be up to three but only one of them can submit. However, all of their names, Universities and their respective departments should be mentioned in the write-up.
-Accepted articles are usually published within three to seven days of their acceptance. If it’s accepted or delayed to publish, the author/authors will be informed via mail.
-Since the article has been written to reflect the actual views and capabilities of the author(s), they are not revised for content and only lightly edited to be confirmed with the Learn life sciences style guidelines.
-There is no specific word limit but 500-2000 words are recommended.
-Submit in MS Word Doc file format.
– here are some links to guide through referencing APA and Harvard style.
In-Text Citations: The Basics // Purdue Writing Lab
Harvard – Referencing – Subject and Research Guides at Macquarie University (
N.B: Contact us if you don’t get any reply after the submission of your article within 2 days